Rare Crystal Combination Necklaces

Each one of these stunning pieces is made with a unique combination of rare crystals, that hold unique properties, and intentions.  

Please reach out to us, if you would like to commission us to make you a particular blend of crystals that resonates with your specific frequency. We can combine your favourite stones with your preferred precious metals so your necklace is completely and utterly yours. 

Email: katiechakra@pm.me

Use our beautiful crystals for mantra, meditation, ritual, wear & prayer. 

" My I Love Chakra crystals nourish and protect me. I love that gentle dangle of stones that play touch and go with my belly as I walk about my day. They reassure me they've got me. I value them as gorgeous, gentle and friendly guardians of my body. " - Emina

How To Wear

This how to wear montage features our beautiful Peacock Necklace. 


A   SIMPLE - Tie a single knot. 
B   SCARF - Wrap around once & knot at the front.
C   Dream Catcher - wear two wrap necklaces together. Knot A at the base of B.
D   CHOKER - As per SCARF but turn to the back. 
E   SCARF - Fold in half and drop end through the loop. 
F   BRACELET OR ANKLET - Wrap & knot.

Or use our gorgeous Sterling Silver Lotus Bell Charm to connect each end.
