Our evolving collections are designed in Australia, by spiritual artist, author & energy healer Katie Manekshaw. With the loving support of her poet & performer husband; Olatundji Akpo-Sani. Together they journey through life inspiring love, laughter, authenticity & spiritual growth.
"Your heart can inspire thousands in a moment if you shift, your energy to positive and love more with your gifts"
High vibrational artworks that bring clear relaxing energy into your space.
Select a card from our growing collection of oracle & affirmation decks & find the answers you're looking for.
Download these deeply relaxing hand painted Mandalas. Balance your chakras and bliss out to the incredible sounds of Sacred Earth Music.
Stand out cool, thought provoking Tees with brilliantly inspiring & uplifting poetry written on the flip-side.
This stunning Crystal Clouds ritual & wear crystal necklace, is made up of a gentle combination of howlite, clear quartz, blue lace agate, white jade and moonstone. Gemstones that will support our collective transition towards higher states of consciousness. ( Especially blended with high-vibe sterling silver spheres, and daisy spacers. )
Add this high vibrational piece to your crystal collection. And as you roll these beautiful chakra-stone pebbles between your finger tips, set some intention to bring more peace, calm and tranquility into your energetic field, and the world around you.
Humanity is fairy-stepping towards a new states of consciousness, so now is an important time to use meditation, healing rituals, and prayer to support our collective awakening.
with love, grace and gratitude - Katie Manekshaw.
Artist, Author & Intuitive
This stunning ritual & wear crystal necklace is made up of a powerful combination of lapiz, sodalite and blue tigers eye. Blended with energy transmuting copper spheres, and gold vermeil, daisy spacers.
A powerful piece to add to your ritual & wear, crystal necklace collection. Our Deep Blue Dreaming Necklace is designed with the intentions to maximise YOUR intuition.
As the world awakens to a deep shift in consciousness, being open to new paradigms of understanding reality is essential.
Now more than ever, we must access our third eye and connect to our *pineal gland, to decipher what is truth.
When you learn to fully access your third eye energy, you won't be fooled by the noise of external influence. Your inner guidance will rule. Allowing you to become more assured, self trusting, and confident in your beliefs and decision making.
- Katie Manekshaw
A good way to tell the difference between lapiz and sodalite. Look for tiny gold flecks in lapiz, but not in sodalite.
Avoid fluoride with calcifies your third eye.
*Pineal Gland - resembling a pine cone this endocrine gland is found in the centre of the brain and produces melatonin and serotonin. It is said to be the seat of intuition, spirituality and psychic ability. The place in our physical body where we best connect to God Consciousness.
- Katie Manekshaw.
Artist, Author & Intuitive
Turn Off The Fear
YOU were born into a state of love consciousness, not a fear constraint.
This week, try to consciously turn off all the #FearPorn in your life.
As always, self awareness is key.
So perhaps start a journal and keep a note of how much fear affects your life.
Ask yourself, where do your fears come from? And how much do you let them control your beliefs and behaviours?
Keep note, of the energies and entities that use fear the most.
Ask yourself who benefits from you being in fear?
Eg: Advertisers play on your insecurities to ensure you buy the next useless item off Amazon. Movies, TV, & main stream media feed us repetitive stories to affect social norms, mass beliefs systems and societal behaviours.
Recognise what kind of fears trigger YOU the most.
The most common human fear is not being part of the tribe. It's a natural response to want to feel safe, accepted and connected to others. Recognise therefore, how easy it would be for certain powerful entities, to use this base human desire as a form of control.
When you are immune to fear, you cannot be manipulated by the controlled illusion of safety.
This week, relinquish yourself from this well researched MKULTRA style of mind sorcery ;D
Meditate, and connect with your true nature of love consciousness, peace and unity.
Lift yourself up and celebrate how free you feel, when you consciously decide to distance yourself from the mind manipulation of fear, lack and division.
When you can observe #fearporn click bait, without having an emotional response to it, you are witnessing your intuition truly engage. This is third eye activated, heart chakra opening discernment.
Eventually, you will become so unaffected by all the advertising junk and msm media fearporn, that you will become totally immune to manipulation, and perhaps even amused by the circus of it all.
This week meditate and pray so we can collectively rise above fear and division, to chose a path of love, peace, and unity for our entire human family.
with love - Katie Manekshaw Artist, Author & Intuitive
Please support our continued artistry, by buying our handmade creative offings, and sharing our message of love consciousness with your tribes.
Remember who you are.
As we continue on our divine path to reconnect to our higher consciousness, dark forces make evermore desperate efforts to thwart our awakening. Hurling ludicrous fear campaigns, that turn our heads towards our devices, in an attempt to distract us from our own power.
Ironically all they succeed in doing, is awakening the masses. ;D
Whatever stage of the awakening process you are at, take heart that you are not alone, because when you choose the awakening journey, you are supported by God.
Although peeling away programming can be a painful process, remember your growing sense of sovereignty is helping illuminate human consciousness to the infinite power of love.
Know thyself. By doing the internal shadow work, you are helping to actively change the collective timeline to an era of peace, understanding, compassion and harmony.
It is important to turn away from the constant distractions and find time to be joyous. Walk in nature, create, meditate, play, laugh, pray and be grateful.
We are stardust.
Here at I Love Chakra, we offer you a selection of beautiful Crystals, Artworks and Sacred Blue Lotus Oil, to support your awakening journey.
Please get in touch if you would like to book a powerful and calming, chakra reading to help you find your centre. Each reading comes with a beautiful bespoke, personalised crystal necklace, designed especially for you.
with love - Katie Manekshaw Artist, Author & Intuitive
Book Your Chakra Healing Session Now
Enlightenment is a destructive process.
It has nothing to do with becoming better or happier.
Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth.
It's seeing through the facade of pretence.
It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.
- Adyashanti
To break free from the façade of pretence, we must let go of everything we thought to be true. We must resist the tendency to look outside of ourselves for direction, because there lies all the distraction, division & deception.
Truth, direction, love and enlightenment only come from deep soul reflection, when you connect with source.
It comes when you recognise the power of the gifts you were born with, and tune in to pure God consciousness.
When you learn to trust your innate wisdom above all else, you can be become a true creator.
And when you open your heart to the sovereign responsibility of what it means to be that true creator, everything that stands in your way will dissolve away.
This is much more than harnessing the power of manifestation. This is your divinity.
with gratitude & love - Katie Manekshaw
During these important times of transition we are being tested by fear.
These tests are inspiring many of our brothers and sisters to awaken to a new state of consciousness. Everyday more of us are leaving the veil of fear and division behind.
As we journey together towards a new paradigm of love consciousness and unity, we are collectively moving through an uncomfortable space in between.
The Space of Unknowing.
We must get comfortable with this space of discomfort, allowing ourselves to experience the void. Learn to enjoy the vacuum of vacancy, as you unravel from so many deceptions.
From this empty space we can reevaluate and rediscover what it means to be human, and redefine how and why our souls came to be here. Relinquish your yearning to be in control, to be sure, to be right and let go.
It takes immense courage to surrender and open your heart to The Great Awakening.
Be assured, as our foundations fall away, we will all rise together.
with gratitude & love - Katie Manekshaw
Book a reading with Katie Manekshaw today.
We are stardust. We are golden,
and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
- Joni Mitchell
In today's world, there are many false flags that distract us from the pure miracle of life.
There are delusional fools attempting to manipulate what it means to be human, because they have forgotten what a wondrous gift it is to be a Child of God,
But we are standing up, we are uniting and we are reclaiming our humanity, and our sovereign power in peace.
To Live Free & Fear Less
This week try and pull more positive and peaceful energy into your field, so you can give it back to the world.
Remember to raise your vibration, by practicing gratitude, meditation, and prayer. Expand your energy flow in the right direction. Turn down the screens of illusion, and rejoin Mother Nature in the garden.
We have but a moment to expand our own unique, wondrous energy onto this plain of existence, so do not be afraid to take your shoes off, embrace your place in natural world, and shine your brightest.
with gratitude & love - Katie Manekshaw
Book a Reading with Me Today
"During my reading Katie really helped change my energy. I feel so much more relaxed and centred. When the necklace arrived it was such a special feeling wearing it and knowing it was made just for me. Thank you for everything"
“Freedom of Expression.”
Expression is an important form of freedom, which until recently most of us have taken for granted.
In recent times, there are those who would like to convince us that our voices should be not be heard, that we should be tamed, hushed, limited, repressed, even gagged. And once again we are being herded into conflicting corners of extremes, by the loudest voices who use their power to propagandise fear and division.
Without the right to express ourselves, we are not free.
During the awakening process we are watching many illusions dissolve, one by one like falling dominos. It can be overwhelming at times. To lose faith in the voices we once trusted to guide us, can be extremely painful. Because then we have to question our own beliefs, loyalties, and deepest core values. Our very identity falls into question.
This intense shedding of self identity can cause much pain and grief, but it is all part of the healing process. So hold on tight, stay true and have faith you are not alone.
There is no going back.
Forgive yourself. We have been programmed since birth to give our power away, to conform without question. We were sold the lie that the teacher knows best. But the truth is, only we know what is best for us. And we must learn to harness that power.
We must unlearn everything to be free
When we open our eyes and see how our most trusted institutions have betrayed us, their lying voices fall on deaf ears. So all they can do is shout louder, talk over us, and try to suppress our voices in an attempt to silence us.
But have faith dearest light being. God is on your side.
We are awakening to the power and beauty of our collective voice.
The voice of humanity.
Our inner knowing.
Our self-empowerment.
Our hearts truth.
Our intuition.
And we are learning to hear the truest voice of all . . .
The voice of LOVE
The voice of ONENESS
The voice of PEACE
The voice of FREEDOM
The voice of GOD
written by Katie Manekshaw
Founder of I Love Chakra. Creative artist author & intuitive.