Why We Love Jade

About: New jade is actually a mineral called bowenite, which is a compact variety of the serpentinite species antigorite. This semi-precious gemstone has been used as tools, jewellery, and weapons by the Maori of New Zealand. Faberge has even used it in some of their jewelry because of its beautiful color and its ability to be worked with. Most deposits are found on the south island of New Zealand.


Metaphysical: New jade (bowenite) is a symbol of love, friendship, and thankfulness. It can also help to release suppressed emotions via the dream process.

This is also a dream stone. It enhances the memory of dreams and helps in dream solving. It is a protector from destructive forces by facilitating a protective energy shield that radiates in all directions.

Why you should wear this stone: We use new jade in our heart chakra laces because of its ability to cleanse and release suppressed emotions and/or past pains and heartbreaks.

The heart chakra lies in the centre of one’s energetic system and as such is where the energies from the heavens and the earth (the crown and the root) are combined.

The new jade that you will find in our heart chakra laces will help you take the energy from your intuition and ground it in your heart so that one can move past the past with wisdom and compassion.

It helps us filter out all the negative noise that can at times drown us or unbalance us. New jade helps us get to our true heart centre.

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