Fears are paper Tigers– Amelia Earhart To choose to change is a difficult decision. Rather, the initial decision may seem easy but all the little follow-up decisions may seem daunting. Whenever we attempt something big or new we are faced with fear and the insecurities of a thousand “what ifs”. In these instances our intuition can guide us towards right action, but it is the act of deciding on a daily and at times momentary basis that actually creates the change. It is a process worth striving for. What F.E.A.R stands for. F.E.A.R stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Do not let...
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We are stardust. We are golden,and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.- Joni Mitchell In today's world, there are many false flags that distract us from the pure miracle of life. There are delusional fools attempting to manipulate what it means to be human, because they have forgotten what a wondrous gift it is to be a Child of God,But we are standing up, we are uniting and we are reclaiming our humanity, and our sovereign power in peace.To Live Free & Fear Less This week try and pull more positive and peaceful energy into your field, so you can give it back to the world. Remember to raise your...
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“Freedom of Expression.” Expression is an important form of freedom, which until recently most of us have taken for granted. In recent times, there are those who would like to convince us that our voices should be not be heard, that we should be tamed, hushed, limited, repressed, even gagged. And once again we are being herded into conflicting corners of extremes, by the loudest voices who use their power to propagandise fear and division. Without the right to express ourselves, we are not free. During the awakening process we are watching many illusions dissolve, one by one like falling...
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Even though it may seem as though we are in the darkest of times, more and more of us are awakening to the clarity of love-consciousness and union. As the world turns towards more light, dark forces struggle to keep order and control, by clinging to their old battle cry: ' Divide & Conquer ' It is time to consciously rise above the mainstream mobsters who create ever-more confusing narratives of lies, propaganda and fear.We must rise above the division trapWe must not be distracted, or led astray by these attempts to divide us. We must simply strengthen our resolve to build communities, with compassion, acceptance and love. Because our truest power will come from unconditional union.Recognise that anyone touting division, may be misleading or manipulating you. Or perhaps they have more self-healing,...
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