Chakra Healing Journey


There has never been a better time to schedule a chakra reading with Katie Manekshaw, founder of I love Chakra. Take advantage of this VIP discounted price now. 

This powerful Chakra Healing Journey will help you create more calm, balance and flow, helping you find your footing in the changing landscape of your life. You will be amazed at the freedom, joy, peace and calm you will experience for years to come.

During your Chakra Healing Journey, we use crystals, breath, sound healing drums and a deeply relaxing, guided meditation technique, to lift your soul into an elevated state of being. There you will become completely at peace in the energetic realm where we can guide you through your chakras and holds space for you, as you witness and realign your energies. 

All you need to do is close your eyes, relax and experience what it is to become completely present, as you reach a state of pure, healing, energetic flow. 

After the Healing Journey part of the session is complete, we will discuss with you any energetic imbalances which we picked up on, and give you personal guidance to help balance these energies. Guiding you to become more self aware and more empowered, so you can create more emotional, physical and spiritual equilibrium, in each moment.
Finally, we will create you a beautiful Personalised Crystal Ritual Necklace, based on your individual reading. We will spend two hours channeling and hand crafting you a bespoke combination of rare crystals, to support and protect you as you journey on, towards self loving, intuitive flow.  

We will also include a beautiful mini deck of chakra love affirmation cards, written by Katie Manekshaw, to inspire everyday self awareness.

I look forward to connecting - Katie Manekshaw x

Read what real people say

"During my reading Katie really helped change my energy. I feel so much more relaxed and centred. When the necklace arrived it was such a special feeling wearing it and knowing it was made just for me. Thank you for everything" - Sharon x

This unique gift is a blessing for the soul, and will leave you feeling whole again. 

This unique experience includes a one hour phone consultation with Katie Manekshaw who has been doing this work for more than 18 years.

Simply book your session and we will be in touch to organise a good time to connect. 

" I wasn’t sure what to expect from Katie’s session but very quickly I entered into a deep relaxation with her soothing meditation. She then read me like a book! Katie was able to expressly describe how each chakra was functioning, describing blocks and even the associated events and people. I highly resonated with the information received. "
Afterwards she divinely crafted the most beautiful crystal necklace in line with my reading and chakras. I really felt seen, held and guided in this session and highly recommend having a session with Katie asap💗 "

"This was such a powerful experience for me. Katie was spot on about everything she told me, it was amazing to hear her tell me things about myself. She is a really lovely person, so nurturing and really accurate. The session was amazing and then a week later l received my crystal necklace that she made for me. It is stunning, and such a beautiful gift. I love it so much and I wear it all the time as a reminder of my own healing. - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot recommend this experience highly enough!" - Paula Melbourne

"Such a beautiful Chakra Clearing Session. Katie you have identified exactly what is happening for me at the moment. Now I will focus with intention and awareness on the specific Chakras with the strategies you have suggested to maintain balance and alignment. I am confident that the I Love Chakra Lariat that you are creating for me will support me further. -Thank you, " - Rina (Melbourne, Australia)

"P.S. I love Chakra - I really do!"

" During my reading Katie really helped change my energy. I feel so much more relaxed and centred. When the necklace arrived it was such a special feeling wearing it and knowing it was made just for me. Thank you for everything" - Sharon x

"After my healing with Katie I felt so at peace and so much better than I have in a long time. She really helped me. Then when  I received my beautiful necklace in the post, I totally fell in love with it because it was made just for me and that felt so special. I now feel protected and calm when I'm wearing it, and I even hang it over my bed lamp at night. Thank you " 

"Every Monday I Love Chakra help me feel better and this has been such a special gift. Thank you Katie I just love what you guys do, I am going to tell all my friends about this service, so you might be on the phone a lot soon  ha ha " - Fiona  B

"my husband always reminds me to put it on, cause he thinks it helps me and I think it does too " - Sally J

" Hi Katie, I wanted to follow up with you after our session last week and to let you know I received my beautiful lariat. 
That session was exactly what I needed at that moment. Your calming and warm nature made it so easy to be open to the healing.  
My lariat is just beautiful.  I wore it as soon as I received it and can't wait for an occasion where I can really shine in it.  
Thank you again, With love Kylie "

" I absolutely adore my necklace you made from our last session but feel the time is right for another session. I just realised I have 7 of your beautiful lariats. Much love and gratitude to you ." Jacqui x

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